How Nation States Can Build A Viable World For 11 Billion People
Earth is currently accommodating about 7 billion people. Caused by our habits and living, we would need two of them to remain in balance. The United Nations predict humanity to grow up to 11 billion people in 2100. Therefore, it is time to reconsider our habits, alliances and politics. Why is it so difficult to promote long term objectives and adjust governance to safeguard our survival and foster long term prosperity?
We present our thoughts on a new world that could accommodate human mankind and ensure prosperity. Our approach is to introduce mechanisms to foster long term thinking and respect interdependencies between nations. Viable World Network Design invites for open collaboration to develop our initial ideas.
The main deficits of the present world are neither lack of natural resources nor size of the Earth, but insufficient efforts of humanity to prepare for a new world. The revolutionary political change is that in a full world the traditional goal of national security can be achieved only together with humankind security. We show a way how nation states could build such world.
Our vision is to transition nation states from antagonistic rivals to smart cohabitants. The ‘enabling key’ is introduction of a ministry for global cohabitation of nations into national governments, as promoter of national and global wellbeing. Each sovereign government can do that, like it does for any other traditional ministry, and without harming national identity.
We outline how with present resources and technologies, a number of most pressing disaster-prone developments can be mastered before irreversible damages occur. We propose a pathway for how nation states can generate the necessary political will, competences and global governance, without giving up national sovereignty. We envision a transition process from the present ANTAGONIA world to the new COHABITANIA world.
We indicate the importance of how civil society could encourage and support nation states in building a viable world for the expected 11 billion humans. We welcome suggestions for further improvement, to